Was born in Salerno in 1982 and now he lives in Rome.
He graduated as graphic designer from “Filiberto Menna” Art School and started his artistic journey in 1996. He enriched his artistic experience first in Venice (2000) and then in Spain (2008).
Alessandro is an artist that not needs any support because his art holds up itself.
After a long search of colors on canvas, he started to create materic paintings, that seem to penetrate into the canvas itself. Symmetrical artworks, different sizes, multicolored expressiveness.
The artist create in the space, sometimes virtual, in a soliloquy of matter and form, sap of his works.
Alessandro is an artist that chase the last pop art echo, with a free, indipendent line. Alessandro seems to get lost behind hazy skies, that refer to Chagall only for the concept. His ego, rejects any emulation.